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济南玻璃钢雕塑制作 http://www.sdjyds.com/是城市雕塑中主流材质之一,但是,玻璃雕塑制作厂家来告诉大家为何玻璃钢雕塑并不适合长期户外景观雕塑?Ji'nan glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture is one of the main materials in the city sculpture, however, the glass sculpture manufacturers to tell you why FRP sculpture is not suitable for long-term outdoor landscape sculpture?
首先,玻璃钢本身是由树脂和玻璃丝布的结合出来的产物;其次,济南玻璃钢雕塑制作成品在制作之前,用特定泥巴材料塑造出产品轮廓,在泥塑稿制作完成后,翻制石膏外模,然后将玻璃钢涂刷在外模内部。等其干透后打开外模,经过合模的程序,即可完成玻璃钢雕塑成品。First of all, glass steel itself is a product by combining resin and glass cloth; secondly, Ji'nan FRP sculpture making finished before making, shaping the product outline with a specific material in mud, clay release after completion of production, manufacturing gypsum mould, the inner glass steel painted in the outer mold. After the opening of the external mold, etc., after the completion of the procedure, you can complete the glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture.

虽然,济南玻璃钢雕塑制作工艺比较灵活、且经济效果可观,但是要作为大型室外城市景观雕塑,绝对不是最佳选择。因为玻璃钢雕塑在室外经过太阳的暴晒和风蚀之后,一般五年以上就开始有变形,脆弱易裂的缺点。Although, Ji'nan glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture production process is more flexible, and the economic effect is considerable, but as a large outdoor city landscape sculpture, is definitely not the best choice. Because the glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture in the outdoor after the sun exposure and wind erosion, generally more than five years began to have deformation, vulnerable to crack defects.

这是有玻璃钢材质本身决定的,由于玻璃钢弹性模量低,FRP的弹性模量比木材大两倍,但比钢小10倍,在玻璃钢雕塑成品中容易因刚性不足而变形,通常技术人员会将其制作成薄壳结构、夹层结构,或者是通过高模量纤维或者做加强筋等形式来弥补其弹性不足的缺陷。This is a glass steel material itself, glass steel due to low elastic modulus, elastic modulus of FRP is two times larger than wood, but 10 times smaller than the steel, glass and steel sculpture in the finished product due to lack of rigidity and deformation, usually the technical personnel which will be made into thin shell structure, sandwich structure, or the high modulus fiber or reinforcement form to compensate for the lack of flexibility.

玻璃钢雕塑制作厂家认为,室外高温和大风侵蚀导致玻璃钢在室外的寿命一般只有3~5年。而且,济南玻璃钢雕塑制作如果表面漆劣质的话,还需要时隔两年就重新进行上色。所以一点都不适合具有历史感的城市标志雕塑。FRP sculpture manufacturers believe that outdoor high temperature and strong wind erosion resulting in the outdoor life of fiberglass generally only 3~5 years. Moreover, the Ji'nan glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture if the surface paint inferior, then it takes two years to re color. So it is not suitable for the historical sense of the city logo sculpture.
